Saturday, September 25, 2010

Церквы / Churches

No matter where you go (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, etc.) Russia is full of old churches, cathedrals, and monasteries. Here's something you may not know: I LOVE them all! It's so amazing that there is history EVERYWHERE in this town, dating back to the first century! So now, children: Settle down, and listen to my tale...

Today the weather was so gorgeous, that Andrew and I went for a walk around town. We started at Andrews apartment, and just walked. A block from Andrews we ran into the церков Федора Стратилата на Ручью, or the Church of Theodore Stratilatus on the brook. A beautiful little church surrounded by a lovely garden, and right next to a public school.

Two blocks later we found some of the old ramparts, ancient fortifications that have since been reduced to an elevated grassy path that goes around the whole city. We followed it far enough to find a stretch of the original walls, complete with graffiti that matched my outfit.

Seeing some Onion domes in the distance, we headed down the street towards Церковь Спаса Преображения на Ильине улице, or the Church of the Transfiguration of our Saviour on Ilina street, which is a HUGE chunk of church, and was recently in my facebook profile picture.

Right across the street was the Знаменский Собор, or Znamenskiy Cathedral. This was also a museum, which meant we could go inside, but also meant that we had to pay for a ticket. In most Russian museums, you can pay extra for a the privilege to take photos --- so I did, and proceeded to take more photos that anyone probably wants to look at. This cathedral has its own album on facebook, if you're interested.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that I love Russia, I love Novgorod, and I love onion domes.



  1. russssssssssssia. what's your favorite bus? mine's the 145

  2. 18 is my favorite, all the way :)
