Monday, October 4, 2010

I could get used to this.

In fact, I already have. I have been in Russia for an entire month, and that is what this post is about!

I am starting to feel at home here. I've met some amazing people, and made a few Russian friends that are willing to help me practice my Russian (but who can also speak English with me when I am completely lost). All 6 of us Oles have been hitting it off like no other, which is a godsend on this program! I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're having an amazing experience here in Russia, but at the same time, it's nice to know that I'm just a short walk or bus ride away from the nearest Ole. I know what buses to take if I want to go to the mall, to the park, to the Center, or just about anywhere I would need or want to go.

I have also come to terms with the face that I can NOT spend all of my time speaking Russian. This was the hardest thing for me to deal with --- I am here to learn Russian, and the best way to do that would be to speak it 24/7. However, if I didn't use English as much as I do, I would not be having such a great time right now: I am still learning, and my Russian is still improving... but I am ALSO making friends with the other Oles on my trip, and getting to know Russians on a deeper-than-2nd-grade level, because we use English. I can say with confidence that, when I come back to Russia/Novgorod (which I hope to do, and stay for a full year), I will have friends that will welcome me back. As far as I'm concerned, 3 1/2 months in Russia just isn't long enough. So, since I HAVE to come back, I might as well make sure I have some friends to come back to!

Anyway, I don't have any pictures to leave you with since my Russian internet is altogether unreliable, so please enjoy this link to my very favorite Russian children's show --- Winnie the Pooh (Винни Пух)

Lots of love,

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