Monday, October 11, 2010

Gobbledygook is a real word. Huh.

Here's a crazy observation that I'd like to share with you all: Russia makes me MOODY! I don't know what it is, but I have some insane bi-polar tendencies goin' on (DISCLAIMER: If you don't want to read about my emotions, just skip the rest of this paragraph). So it's like this: One minute I am on top of the world, loving Russia, and feeling at home in this foreign city. Then, all of a sudden, I realize that I'm NOT on top of the world... I'm LOST! I'm lost in the middle of this MONSTROUS country, and no one understands me: in Russian or English or Gobbledygook, I just can't seem to communicate. And then I think about my classes, and how terribly SIMPLE they are, and how I feel like they are teaching us all the wrong things, and it's FRUSTRATING! Which makes me miss St. Olaf, and the amazing professors, and all of my fantastic friends, and having all of my own things (instead of the hodge-podge selection that I brought in my tiny suitcase)...

Needless to say, I have spent many a Novgorod night pining for something/someplace/someone in Minnesota... But I've found a way to fix everything, and get back to that top-of-the-world feeling: What works best for me is to give myself a simple task, that I know I can accomplish, and just tackling the BEJEEZUS out of it! So today, after one of our professors gave us all a very harsh and unnecessary lecture about what terrible students we were, I decided to buy ...TOOTHPASTE. You can't mess that up, because Colgate and Crest are Universal! So, what did I do today? I bought TOOTHPASTE, in RUSSIAN, and I ROCKED it. Other things I have accomplished in Russia, in order to achieve the same effect:

-Trimmed my own hair
-Translated a Russian pop-song
-Chosen my classes for next semester
-Done my laundry
-Given myself a manicure
-Made a color-coded calendar of the next four months
-Sliced 5 apples, and then ate them ALL.

I am Victorious!


  1. Hilarious and true. Love it.

  2. You're my hero right now miss Sarah. I love hearing about your adventures- especially knowing that you aren't sugar coating it! Keep sharing with us and know you are totally Rocking it- even when it doesn't feel that way to you!

  3. i feel the same way ~ i'll be on an emotional high and loving europe and then i'll be the saddest person ever and just wished i was back on the hill. i like your tasks


  4. Btw, what was the song that you translated?

  5. This is a very late response, but if you still want to know --- one of the songs I translated was Mumiy Troll's "Eta po lyubvi."
