Monday, September 6, 2010

A Few Things...

Ok, so, I am sorry that I have no pictures up yet --- I have to get my laptop to a Wi-Fi zone (because I can't download pictures onto my home computer)... But they are coming soon! In the meantime, here are a few nuggets of interesting info, along with some photos that I did not take:

-I recently invested in some tall, black, high-heeled boots. These are a staple for all women, whether you're 15 or 50. Unfortunately, I still stick out because of my short hair and lack of makeup... almost unheard of among Russian women.

- If you see a Russian man on the street, he is most likely:
1.) not wearing deodorant, but compensating with cologne
2.) sporting an ungodly fashion-mullet (See Dima Bilan, Russian pop star, above).
3.) decked out in tight faded jeans, a tiny leather jacket, and pointy black shoes
4.) holding a beer, a cigarette, a beautiful woman, or any combination of the three.

- My host mom fed me homemade liver pate for breakfast today... very unfortunate.

That's all for now --- Ну, пока! (That's Russian for "See you later!")


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