Thursday, September 23, 2010

Relationship status: In a relationship with Novgorod, Russia

Yeah, we're back together! Feel free to like my status or comment with little hearts made of <'s and 3's. Here are some reasons that I LOVE Russia:

1. The FOOD! Borsch, Schi, Pirazhki, Ponchiki, Vareniye, Kompot, Kasha, Ryazhenka, Sirok, Tvorog, I love it ALL! And then just when I think it can't get any better, my mom puts SOUR CREAM on it! Let me tell you, I had my doubts about the compatibility of Sour Cream with some foods, but all of those worries have long since gone. Sour cream has found a special place in my heart: Right on top of my love for every Russian dish my mother has made for me.

2. The MUSIC. I don't know what it is about Russian music that makes it so appealing to me, but I keep the channel set to Ru.TV 24/7 (the Russian MTV). One of my favorite pastimes in Russia is to watch Music Videos, dictionary in hand, and teach myself the chorus lines Russian pop songs.

3. The BUS. I know, this is also kind of weird... Granted, sometimes I am standing next to one of the many Russians who don't see the benefits of deoderant, or I am sardine'd with half the Novgorod population on one of the squeaky, vintage models BUT: I can not get over the fact that I can get ANYWHERE in this city with my unlimited bus pass, and that one of the easiest questions to ask a stranger at the bus stop is "Excuse me, do you know how I can get to...?" And the answer is always a number, which makes it incredibly easy to understand as well. For example, a conversation I had with someone at the bus stop today went like this, from my perspective:

: "Excuse me, do you know how I can get to Moscow Street?"

Russian Stranger: "Blahboobippidybork, oogoo, insteppadank swizzlebizz shalalalala EIGHTEEN. Panarittatta eeleemeelee FOUR shoooooopaderpading... "

Me: "Oh, so I can take either bus 18, or bus 4. Thank you very much!"

Russian Stranger: (smiles) "Flippidy foop fambandingo!"

What a wonderful country.


1 comment:

  1. I love it. I unfortunately wouldn't know how to ask the question to begin with, but I could understand the number answer :)

    Hey just and fyi we had some flooding here in mn. Your home is fine though. :)
