Sunday, December 12, 2010

Relationship Status: In a Relationship with Novgorod, Russia and it's Complicated...

...i.e., I am CLINGING to RUSSIA! I only have a week left in this beautiful, beautiful place, and I don't want to say goodbye!!! Unfortunately, we both know that it's going to happen... So in the meantime, Russia and I have been having the BLASTY-BLASTIEST of BLASTY-BLASTS!!! (Translation: a really great time). So how have I been having such a blasty-blasty-blast (can you tell I like saying blasty-blast)? Well, here's some news:

1.) I learned how to Ice-Skate! YEAH! And I'm not that bad! My Russian friends took me out on the ice a couple times, and somehow I managed to stay upright the entire time. SO much FUN! In the second photo, my friends Nadia and Tanya are trying to help me NOT fall down.

2.) Did I tell you all that I saw Harry Potter in Russian? I don't remember if I did, but just so you know, it is SO great in Russian, maybe even better than in English.

3.) Livi's host mom threw us a good-bye party, and let me tell you, she is one awesome lady. Just take a look at this cake: That is all real fruit art, and it had yogurt in the middle. She also made Hachipurri: Bread baked with (Georgian?) cheese all up in its business. Super tasty.

4.) Russian McDonalds Happy Meals have WAY better toys than in America. I went with some friends today, and I got a Hello Kitty tracing set, which included paper, a pink pencils, prints to trace, and a mini light-box to trace them on which doubled as a carrying case. I don't know if we have those in the US right now, but the last time I had a McD toy this cool, the only reason it was so cool was because I was only 6.

5.) I came to the realization a couple weeks ago that I can actually SPEAK RUSSIAN! It's really amazing, being able to simultaneously keep up with AND contribute to a conversation. It's also really awesome to hear my Russian friends tell me how well I can speak now, and that I've made a lot of progress while I've been here. Now I just have to try and retain this level while I'm speaking French in France for a month... eek!

That's all for now, I love you all, and look for one more post from Russia before next week's theme: MILAN!


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