Monday, December 20, 2010


...One cramped, tearful bus ride and one empty, confusing flight later, and I am in MILAN! My Italian sister Laura picked me up at the airport, and I dove headfirst into Italy. We arrived at her apartment in the evening and got all dressed up to go out. Fratelli La BufalaShe took me to a famous restaurant in Milan" Fratelli La Bufala" for REAL Italian Pizza, just like they make in Naples (the birthplace of Pizza). It was beautiful, and delicious. We sat next to some Italian celebrity, apparently, so that was neat. Then we went out to a well-known club called "Plastic," which was a blast and a half.

We got home late, woke up early, and Laura took me all around Milan, and I took pictures like a mad tourist. Milan is so bautiful, I just fell in love. Other things I have discovered which I now cannot live without: Cappuccino, Prosciutto, Fried tomato-mozzarella pastries called "pazzerotto," and macaroons.

I am currently in Azzone, Laura's hometown in the mountains. We had dinner at her mother's restaurant (also extremely delicious) and I overall I am having a fast-paced amazing time in Italy! Anyway, I am super exhausted --- time for bed.


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