Tuesday, November 16, 2010

News from the Motherland:

First of all, as usual, I LOVE Russia. Just thought I would remind you all.

Secondly, I am SOOOOO excited for this weekend!! On Friday we are going as a gaggle of Americans to St. Petersburg in order to celebrate ALL of our birthdays in style! I haven't made it to Peter yet on this trip, so I am reeeally psyched to be there in a month other than January. On Saturday I am coming back early for an entire day of rehearsal. I am performing in two concerts before I leave Russia, in which I will song two songs with my Russian ensemble and two solos in English (one of them will be with two girls who are dancing while I sing? I am not sure yet how that will work)... Anyway, the part of me that is pining for my AWESOME band (Sober Peter, shout-out) will finally be appeased with some vocal-performance therapy.

Third: The weekend after next we are celebrating Thanksgiving potluck-style at the boy's apartments. I am in charge of Apple pie/crumble/dessert of some sort. We are going all out with stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, corn, Mmmmmmm... aw yeah. Also, our professor from St. Olaf will be visiting Novgorod that weekend. Let me tell you, she is the definition of Russian Diva. This lady's got class and attitude like you've never seen. LOVE her.

Lastly, I only have 4 1/2 weeks left in this BEAUTIFUL place, but it STILL hasn't SNOWED!!! Come on, Russia, I have a big beautiful coat that I will wear everyday for the next month if you will just give me some snoooow! Although, I guess it's still really awesome that I can get away with wearing a cute little leather jacket, instead of the 40-lb wool ball-gown that is my winter coat. Still, I do love showing it off.

Stay tuned for more updates on my life in Russkiy-Land --- Просто Любовь!


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