Friday, December 24, 2010

Farewell to Italia

Well, I’m sorry to say it, but I have already left Italy. I am currently waiting in the very crowded, very confusing, and very cold Paris CDG-Roissy train station. Good news: They have WiFi! Bad news: I can’t pay for it, so I am typing this post in MS Word and will post it once I finally make it to Rennes.

But let’s talk more about Italy, shall we? Well, Laura (my Italian sister) is a party animal, and she showed me the best time imaginable while I was visiting! We spent another day at her house in the mountains, and I got a fancy Italian haircut, went out for “Aperitifs” which, in Italy, consist of going to a restaurant and buying a drink before dinner, and then helping yourself to a free buffet of hor-d’oeuvres. We went out to some of Laura’s favorite places in her area, drank many a cappuccino (SO good), and hung out with the Laura’s family ---- they were SO great, extremely welcoming, hospitable, and nice. This is the view from Laura's bedroom window:

On Wednesday morning we drove back to Milan to have brunch with some of Laura’s friends at the California Bakery --- One of the only places in Italy where you can get bacon and eggs, or so Laura tells me. I’ll just say that it was delicious, and it reminded me of home! We had a pretty low-key day, but at night got dressed up to go out to another one of Laura’s favorite spots, called Rocket. We stopped at her friend’s house beforehand for a lovely traditional meal from her hometown (which I forgot the name of already… rats) and some good conversation. After a few interesting drinks at Rocket (Alcohol-soaked gummy candies? A shot of rum chased with pear juice?) and then decided we should head home a bit early (early = 1am). We walked past the Duomo Cathedral one last time, so I could get some night pictures. One of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, I’m so glad we walked through the cold and the rain to see it one last time!

I woke up ridiculously early today to take a taxi to the train station, then took a train to the airport, flew from Milan to Paris, and then walked to the train station in the Paris CDG airport (and, around the same time, discovered that someone had spilled something rather sticky in the overhead compartment of the plane, and it had soaked a corner of my backpack and the clothes inside, yum!) So, anyway, right now I’m watching all of the trains get delayed, but my 15h43 train to Rennes still says it’s on time… Let’s hope it stays that way!

С Рождеством, Buone Feste, Joyeux Noel, and Happy Holidays!

Love from Euro-world,


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