Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tickets! Blog! General Excitement!

Hello, all!

I made a blog so that you can all keep track of my wild n' crazy adventures abroad, and live vicariously through them. Isn't that swell? I'm still in the US of A, but I do have some great news: I bought a plane ticket to Russia! ...And another one to Italy! ...And one more, to France! So, I have at least three solid dates in my itinerary, and that is WAY exciting for me. Now, I just need to make sure I budget enough money for a plane ticket back to Minnesota...

Sincerely, sincerely, I love you all dearly,
Sarah Chao


  1. Yeah Sarah, I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures!!!!!

  2. Pssh, who needs a plane ticket home... Just ride a dolphin.

  3. I'm still trying to recover from the title of your blog. Sarah Chao Does Europe.


