Saturday, August 14, 2010

Anticipation, Anxiety, etc...

Hello again!

No, I'm not in Russia yet... but I leave in 17 days! I still haven't bought my plane ticket home, because I honestly have NO idea where I am going to end up in February. Any suggestions? Please comment!

Until then, I have a few things to distract me: This week I am taking a trip to the Boundary Waters (sooo good) and when I get back, I am going to a Russian Rock Concert! The band Мумий Тролль (Mumiy Troll) is coming to Minneapolis from Vladivostok! My internship at Zerkalo (the Russian publishing company) is paying off --- My coworkers and I got free tickets. So, I will bring my new camera and my new haircut and take plenty of pictures! Look Forward to it! That's an order!

Love and such,


  1. Ummm... you should come back to Minnesota next February? So that we can play again? Duh!

  2. have a ton of fun Sarah. And I LOVE your haircut!
